Welcome to Heene Church of England (Aided) Primary School
Welcome to Heene Church of England Primary School! As Headteacher, I am delighted to welcome you to our website and to our school.
We are blessed to be situated here in the heart of the central Worthing community. We have so much close by; our two churches (St Botolph's and St Matthew's) with whom we work so closely, our park opposite the school, local businesses and the beach a short walk away.
Our vision is: ‘Together we love, grow and learn’.
We are a vibrant community where everyone is valued and where all talents are celebrated. Every pupil is unique and together we form a harmonious and vibrant school.
Our newly revised values are:
- Kindness
- Confidence
- Resilience
- Ambition
- Curiosity
- Respect
At Heene School, we always put kindness first. We think this is a great rule for life.
These are the six values that we, the staff and Governors, want to help your child develop during their time at our school. All our learning is linked to these values in some way.
I joined the school in February 2024, after 10 years of successful headship in East Sussex. Our newly created leadership team, and team of great teachers and support staff, are excited about the rapid improvements that we are making in our school, now that we are part of the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust. We are a happy school, improving rapidly each day.
Whether you are a current parent, or looking for a school place for your child, I would be delighted to show you our wonderful school. Please contact our school office for a tour of the school or book to visit on one of our Open Days or the Open Evening in November.
I look forward to welcoming you and your child soon.
Phil Matthews
DCAT Executive Headteacher
Heene CE Primary School, Worthing
No two people are exactly alike, which is quite remarkable when we think of the billions of people living on our planet. Each of us is totally unique and in our school that individuality is both celebrated and recognised. There are occasions when a member of our school community finds it difficult to ‘fit in’, perhaps because their way of learning is different to others in the class. So, we pray for an initiative being put in place in the form of a ‘home from home’ space which will give a child the opportunity to take time out and receive the nurture and support they need.
Dear Lord, thank you that we are all unique individuals and that you love us just as we are. Help us to support each other when times are tough. Amen
You have probably noticed that, poking up on areas of bare earth, are the tender leaves of early spring bulbs. Even though we are in the depth of winter, the promise of new life is there for all to see. Each of our children at Heene hold within them the promise of new life as they grow and flourish. Just as those bulbs require nourishing soil to surround them, so our school provides the nourishment of a loving, nurturing environment, encouraging each child to discover more about the world around them and their place in it.
Dear Lord, thank you that you care for each one of us. Help us to grow closer to you and to each other day by day. Amen
Each day, our school joins in with praying the Lord’s prayer together. As part of that prayer, we say, ‘Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ So, at the beginning of a new term, we pray that God will reveal his purpose for our school as the community seeks to grow together in love. We are all on a journey of faith and belief in Jesus’s promise that he will be with us always, especially through the challenging times.
This week we shall be lighting the third candle on our Advent wreath in school and in our churches. The wreath of candles helps us remember that we are waiting for the birth of Jesus which is coming ever closer. The custom of lighting a candle each week was introduced during Victorian times when churches were very dark in the winter months. As they did then, the candles remind us that Jesus comes into our world as a light that can never be put out, however dark the world seems to be. Here is a prayer for this third week of Advent:
Lord Jesus, light of the world, born in David’s city of Bethlehem, born like him to be a king: be born in our hearts at Christmas, be King of our lives today. Amen.
Since the beginning of time, light has been an essential part of our lives which we so often take for granted. During this time of Advent we remember that Jesus came into the world to be the light that shines with God’s love. It’s so lovely when we meet someone who shares that light in the way they show love and kindness to others. Our school celebrates the fact that children are able to ‘let their light shine’ in so many different ways. We pray for all those in our school community who, each day this week, have the opportunity to ‘let their light shine’.
Dear Lord, you created us to let the light of your love show in all we say and do. Help us to share this light with all those we meet this week. Amen
The beginning of December marks the beginning of Advent. However, Advent calendars of all shapes and sizes have been on sale for weeks now, with themes far removed from the Christian season of Advent. The word ‘Advent’ means coming, as we prepare for the coming birth of Jesus. Our school is busy making preparations by learning some beautiful carols to be sung in local Care Homes and in our churches. Just as the windows in an Advent calendar, which tells the story of the coming of Jesus, count down the days to Christmas Eve so the carols reveal the wonder of Jesus’s birth.
Dear Lord, we thank you for this season of Advent and for all the carols which tell us the story of the coming of Jesus. Help us to bring comfort and joy to all in our school and in our homes this Advent. Amen.
Our school prides itself on the way it provides a curriculum which is adaptable for all learners. All of us, at what ever age we happen to be, thrive best when we are able to use our strengths to aid our ability to take on and recall new information. We have a member of our Senior Leadership Team who supports staff in their quest to find inspirational ways of teaching in order for all pupils to thrive. She also ensures that any child experiencing challenges in their learning is given the support they need. Jesus, during his ministry, made sure that children were given the attention they deserved. “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19 verse 14).
Dear Lord, thank you for all the children who come to our school, and for all who encourage them in their learning. Amen
We are so grateful to our dedicated teachers and support staff who spend time outside of classroom hours in preparation and meetings, providing the very best for our children. In addition, their provision of after-school clubs enables pupils across the years to be involved together in exploring new skills.
Dear Lord, we give thanks for all who use their many skills within our school community. We pray particularly for our teaching and support staff as they continue to devote their time and energy, enabling all the children in their care to flourish. Amen
This week our school continues to welcome Parents and Carers who are hoping that the children in their care will be able to join our school community. Our vision, which encourages us to love, grow and learn together, welcomes all to experience God’s presence as they enter through the doors of our school.
Dear Lord, bless all Parents and Carers as they nurture the children in their care. Amen
As the children and staff return after a well-earned half-term break, they will be looking forward to a busy few weeks. We pray that they will all feel refreshed in mind, body and spirit. Remembrance is the theme of the week ahead. ‘Remember, remember the 5th November’ reminds us about Guy Fawkes and then on 7th November, the KS2 classes will be coming to St Botolph’s as Y6 leads children, staff and parents in a Service of Remembrance.
Dear Lord, as we remember historical events, may we learn that living together in peace is well worth remembering throughout our lives. Amen.
The world seems to be in turmoil at the moment. The news is full of pictures of families experiencing extreme hardship. It is difficult for all of us and particularly our children to make sense of all that they see and hear. So we pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we try and help them to appreciate that we are all one big family, created to care for one another. One of our school values is kindness and another is hope. Encouraging and celebrating kindness amongst members of our school community provides us all with hope for whatever lies ahead.
Dear Lord, show us how to be kind to each other. We pray for children who live in fear that they may be encouraged, by acts of loving kindness, to face the future with hope. Amen
Most of us have photos of ourselves dating back to when we were babies. Tracking our lives through the years, these images remind us how we change through childhood into adulthood. Our children will be marking these changes in childhood next week as the school photos are taken. We celebrate the fact that, during these formative years, our dedicated staff members have such an impact on each child’s development. Friendships, too, encourage all those in our school community to flourish within a safe environment. We thank God that, whatever happens to us throughout our lives, God’s love for us never changes.
Dear Lord, as we love, grow and learn together, may we never forget that the greatest of your gifts to us is love. Amen
This week we pray for St Matthew’s Church as it celebrates its 125th anniversary this weekend. The people at St Matthew’s and St Botolph’s really appreciate our school’s involvement in marking significant events in our churches. We give thanks for the close links that we enjoy with our young people and we pray for them and their families as they prepare to take their part in the celebrations.
Dear Lord, just as you took children into your arms and blessed them, may we lovingly support our school families in prayer and action. Amen
Christian worship is highly valued in our school and occurs each morning either collectively, in the Hall, or in individual classes. At the start of every term, the theme of our school vision, to love, grow and learn, is explored in the story Jesus tells about the mustard seed, which is the tiniest of seeds yet gradually grows into a tree. Our children are encouraged to show love for one another as they gradually grow and learn more about God’s love and the wonderful world around them.
Dear Lord, thank you that each day we are given opportunities to learn more about you and how you care for us all. Amen
Now that we are nearing the end of September, we pray that all those new to our school community are settling into the daily routines. Becoming used to a new environment is both exciting and challenging. We pray particularly this week for our new Head of School, Laura Turner. We pray for the Leadership Team supporting her; Phil Matthews, Laura Dobson and Becky Selwood.
Dear Lord, guide all those who have responsibility for the welfare of our children as they seek to nurture them in mind, body and spirit. Amen